Saturday, February 4, 2017

I love my umbrella

Yesterday, after work and the stupid umbrella fiasco, I went for a long walk and dinner with a friend.  She too is anti-umbrella.  I pointed out to her, as she works in healthcare, that she doesn't have to dress up or wear make up as I do.  And I pointed out that, on our walk during which it was snowing heavily, I wasn't using an umbrella because I wasn't concerned about my appearance.
I'm just going to interject here, momentarily, because you are likely thinking "again with the umbrellas?  There are more pressing issues in the world".  And yes, there are.  The more pressing issues in the world are so utterly anxiety-inducing, depressing, and overwhelming, that I have chosen to take issue with Vancouverites' umbrella usage.  It's fun.  It's manageable.
My friend is from back East.  Apparently this is akin to being a prairie girl as per my last post.  She said no one from Ontario would be using an umbrella in the snow.
You know what?  I have been back East.  The second time I went to Toronto we stayed on King Street.  I felt so much like a West Coast granola hippy that I went on a literal shopping spree at Eaton Centre to try and fit in a bit more.  And no, those people in the financial district likely don't use umbrellas either, but do you know why?  It's because there is a veritable labyrinth of underground walkways: 30 kilometres worth, it would seem. 
Additionally, I work for a charitable organization that sees exceedingly moneyed philanthropists and politicians cycle through.  A former Canadian Prime Minister is coming to our office in ten days.  So yeah.  I hope I pass whatever security check I may have to go through AND ALSO I SHOULD PROBABLY BE DRY WHEN HE SHOWS UP.
Oh my god.  She just can't give up this umbrella thing.
Maybe I can't.
But the interesting thing is that, in both cases, it was another person critiquing me about my usage: the receptionist telling me how mortified she would be if anyone caught her using an umbrella; and my friend's resistance to it last night (she actually previously had posted on Facebook her disdain for umbrella users).
If no one had made any comment to me about it, I wouldn't have written two posts about it.
I don't really have a point here.  Mostly I don't care, but sometimes I would like to stay dry, and snow is made up of water.
Maybe the next time it rains I won't use an umbrella, show up to work drenched and declare "I'm a West Coast girl".
Anyways.  Dinner was quite good at the Tap House in West Van and I hope Tom Brady sucks it tomorrow.

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