Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Fuck. I'm 40.

The view from my living room on Monday.
Well, we’re all moved in.  Things are ticking along.  Nothing much else has changed.  Work is work.  Trying to get back to running again, but given the current weather conditions (and me binning it during a walk with a friend last night) it’s a bit of a challenge.  But I shall persevere.  
I need the exercise and I need to re-join a running group for the social aspect.
Socially things have been interesting of late.  The three people I am closest to all live about an hour away so I don’t get to see them as much as I’d like.  
Additionally, I vastly overestimated a friendship that I had had for years, which was disappointing, and I ended it.  Time to find more like minded, athletically oriented people that share similar values.  Should be easy, right?
In other news, I was making dinner last night (as one does) and realized that two of my 9” pans were missing.  I couldn’t find them anywhere and I use them a lot.  Michael figures he might have inadvertently dropped the box that they were in off at the Sally Ann, which begs the question: what the fuck else was in that box??  I haven’t been blindsided by anything else missing, so maybe they are still tucked away somewhere, but… weird.
Anyways, it’s my birthday today.  Happy birthday, me!


  1. Heck, yeah, happy snowy birthday . . . or birdsday, as my German grandma used to say. And the pans are in the box under the box under the other box, beside the box.

    1. Sadly, Michael did look today and it would appear the pans are gone. I guess I want pans for my birdsday??
