Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Today's 10k. Again.

Athlete's Village, Whistler.
I would like to thank the lady in the SUV that almost killed me while I was on my run today because I'm pretty sure she was driving through the intersection at rush hour while looking at her cell phone.  It was especially nice after she saw that she was about to hit me and she stopped and gave me the go ahead, like I was in the wrong.  I gave her two thumbs up instead of kicking her BMW's grill in, because I'm a nice person.
Had a fairly solid 10k.  Good to get back into it and to get back out there.
I would like to thank Po for telling me that she watched "Snowpiercer" and thought it sucked and I doubted her because it got 93% on Rotten Tomatoes.  I shouldn't rely on polls, because Donald Trump is polling well and he's the harbinger of the orange apocalypse.
I would like to have sex with Chris Evans.  Only if he has the beard.
Um, I feel disconnected and I'm like in some sort of transition.  I just don't care about a whole hell of a lot right now except making sure I eat and exercise.  Everything else can wait.  That's a new thing.  Normally those two items are at the bottom of my list.
So basically just don't watch "Snowpiercer" and instead watch "Highrise" and also my 10k times are already getting better.
True story.

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