Thursday, June 4, 2015

I miss grits

Can't believe how lax I am on the blog front.  Cause I owe the blogosphere something, don't I?  I seem to owe everybody something these days.
What to say, what to say.  Came back from vacay and it's like it never happened, especially cause not much of my job was done in the two weeks that I was away.  Gotta love that.  However, it will never come close to what happened when I took a vacation when I was with Hudd and I came back to an entire desk, chair, and floor covered in stacks of paper.  Miss me much?  For about twenty seconds I viewed my office and very, very seriously considered just walking back out to my car and driving away.
Let's gloss over my glorious return to the workaday life which did not go seamlessly by any stretch of the imagination as the people who were (unfortunately) there to witness can testify to.
Funnily, it got a bit talked out during tonight's book club (which consisted of me and R) wherein we discussed Perfume and then got into the top shelf shit which brought up questions like:
  • what is the point of our existence?
  • given that our time here is limited, how do you choose to spend it?
  • how much of life is posturing and image, and how much is actually living?
  • why care about anything, really, given that you're not going to be here in 50 years and no one will remember you because you've not really contributed in any great way.
 In other news (positive, yet), I rode 50k last night.  I had a very solid five miler after work today.  I'm getting back to eating normally, sleeping better, and getting very regular exercise which is doing a great deal to reduce my anxiety surrounding the above questions.
Plus we went out to visit my brother and his family last weekend.  That always puts things in the best possible perspective.


  1. Funny how exercise does that . . . !

  2. I need to get mental as in exercising. 2 more work days for me and then 6 weeks off!! Do you want me to send you a box of grits? They are really easy to cook. They'll take your mind off those scary questions. I've been listening to travel podcasts, makes me want to jump off a watertower.

    1. Why do travel podcasts make you want to jump off a water tower?

      And six week's vacation?? Nice. Any travel plans? B.C. is lovely this time of year. ;)

  3. LOL I don't even remember which podcast I was listening to.... I may go to Tulsa this weekend, but I doubt it. I may go out to L.A. for a few days, my SIL is house sitting in the hills.
