Friday, April 3, 2015

Checking in

Damn.  The Easter Bunny went  high end this year.
So I worked Tuesday through Thursday at the new job.  Three days in I think it's a little early to figure out what the job entails and what the environment will be like, but as someone who kind of picks up on personality types a bit intuitively, I have some reservations.
But!  I shall not let the cart get before the horse.  And I must say: my seven minute walk to work is bliss.  The office is beautiful (the fridge is stocked with San Pellegrino, there is a Nespresso machine {which I don't know how to operate}, and there is a proper bathroom for just one person at a time!), and I love what the Foundation is doing.  They donate millions of dollars to worthy charities and I just think it's the most amazing thing.
In other news, working out like a fiend for stress management.  Gave up dairy (except for cheese - can't give that up) and it's funny that my skin is much smoother and I've lost a few pounds. 
I don't think I'll sign up for the BMO half just because I get really pissy when I don't break 1:45 and I'm not sure I'm there speed wise right now, though I have the endurance and I'm in good shape.
Fulls are one thing.  If you can run 42.2k, good on you: there's a lot you can't control when you're doing that distance (your tummy, fatigue, um... bombings), but you should be able to nail a half.  It feels good to get back into the swing of things, though.  I ran the half distance last weekend (in torrential weather, with a 6,500 foot ascent and descent) and I had to dig deep, but it was good to know that it was within me.
The only other weird thing was not going to the GEU for work this week.  Not weird in that I didn't show up there, but weird because I didn't miss it.  I think I checked out of that job before I went on my year's LOA, and then when I came back and it was more or less the same, I never really checked back in.  I really thought I would miss more aspects of it, but it's almost like I have closed the door entirely on that six year segment of my professional life.  Maybe I will get all misty eyed in the weeks to come, but wow: I surprised even myself with my lack of love for my prior posting.
Anyways, tomorrow is an Easter dinner at my brother's place which should be fun.  Sunday is a long run.  I have Mondays off, and then I'm back at it.  Didn't really skip a beat, did I?
On the up side, my employer gave me this handcrafted chocolate egg from Thomas Haas on my third day in.  A nice gesture, and I'll take it as such.
Happy Easter, which is funny to say because I'm atheist, so moreover: happy long weekend!
UPDATE: I did break a 1:40 in 2010, even though it looks like I'm lollygagging through an aid station.

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