It was, obviously, very surreal to be in Boston one day after the marathon, after the bombings, to get an email that a little baby had joined our family.
So today my mom and I and Michael headed out to see the newest addition to our family. The wee baby Declan.
I was seriously scared. To this date I have never held a baby (like my brother) and their floppy necks and the soft spot on their heads freak me the hell out. Plus? They cry a lot, and it's always upsetting to hold a squalling child because you sort of take it personally as though you've done something wrong when, in fact, at one month old, babies really don't levy personal vendettas against you the way you think they might.
Anyways: this kid? Hey, I'm not bragging here, but Michael was like "that is one beautiful baby". And he is. Oh my god. I was too scared to hold him in my arms so he kind of lay in my lap and we all just rather stared at him, but holy crap is this kid ever precious.
I remember a million years ago when my brother was born, being amazed by his tiny toenails and fingernails. I remember his feet were peeling for whatever reason it is that babies' feet peel, and Declan's little feet were peeling a bit, but I couldn't get over the fact that at one month old he had tiny little finger and toenails. It was nuts.
They don't do much, babies. They're a lot like cats in that they just really rely on you in order to be fed and, other than that - and you cleaning up their shit - they couldn't be bothered, but they're still pretty neat.
Anyways, babies still freak me the hell out, but I've never looked forward to getting over that fear and learning how to change diapers before, so that's an interesting segment in my life.
I know that Jay and A will be brilliant parents and I so look forward to having little Declan show up to different family functions over the years and getting to know him as he graduates from being a wee small baby to wee small person, and beyond (Prime Minister!).
Naturally I forgot my camera so I stole a pic from my brother: but take my word.
Cutest. Baby. Ever.
Such tiny feet! I'm so glad you're enjoying spending time with him. They are pretty fragile, but surprisingly resilient and strong too.
ReplyDeleteAlso, just wait until you get the "he pooped up his back" change. If you can handle that, no diaper change will ever scare you again. ;-)