Thursday, February 22, 2018


Yesterday I took my two month sobriety chip. It had been a crazy day. Though my work knew that my six week absence was due to a stint in rehab, they still thought it would be alright to foist a champagne toast to the office manager on me with little warning. I would have liked to have been excused.
This was the first time I had been in direct contact with alcohol in 60 days. My boss said there would be sparkling water for me. We gave the toast. A glass of actual champagne was put into my hand.
I was livid and disappointed. I did not drink. I spent the rest of the afternoon indulging in resentment and self-pity. I went to a meeting, collected a chip and lost track of how many hugs I got.
Today is today. And today I am starting to honestly look for a new job.


  1. Talk about missing the point of rehab! Congrats on your two month chip.
