Friday, November 18, 2016

Living with the consequences, under pressure...

Good times.  I love a good move.  Oh no wait... I love a good something else.
So I learned something interesting this week (which I always had an inkling to be true): when people ask you how you are, they are just waiting for you to say how are you so they can tell you how they are.
I literally just replied to a friend who is having boyfriend troubles and mentioned I wasn't doing too well and had had a relapse.
The follow up email was essentially "should I or should I not call him?".
I have totally overestimated the people that I have been spending a lot of time with.  My bad.
Maybe I should get a cat.  They allow small pets in the building we are moving to.  Who am I kidding?  I fucking hate cats.
It's been a bad week.  A bad, bad week.
Anyways.  Courage, right?
You can come and visit me when I live in a van down by the river.



  1. Tomorrow is a new week. It'll be rainbows and sunshine and butterflies. Vans are awesome. So are cats. She clearly should not call him.

    1. It is rain and wind today, but I will turn it into sunshine and butterflies.

      Cata are not awesome.

      Clearly, she did call him. I had to help her pick up the pieces.
