Thursday, July 17, 2014

Aiight. I can do this.

Still maintaining and fiercely defending my boundaries at work, and so far it's working.  Plus they are just so pleased that I came back.  I guess you don't know how much you miss something until it's gone.
And - on the whole - I work with some really terrific people and they seem genuinely glad and excited to see me again.  Seriously: got another hug today from a shop steward, no less, who whispered "I thought you weren't coming back" to which I replied "tell me about it". 
Oh Duder, you kidder, you.
Interestingly there is one person in the department who I want to beat to death with a three hole punch, but she's actually transferring out of our department within the next month.  Can. You. Dig it?  I'm so chuffed.
The only thing that is really killing me is the traffic, and I just need to get organized enough to hit up yoga and do my runs after work to burn time.  7am in the morning is not the ideal time to plan that out, so I will lay out my yoga gear next Monday night and be ready to go for Tuesday.
So... that's about it.  I have a "bike race" this Sunday.  I use the term loosely as I'm totally not prepared for it and have made it much harder on myself than it needs to be. 
Basically it was (initially) a bumpy ride going back to work, but I'm working to manage it, and so far it's exceeded my expectations.
Unlike Bones.

1 comment:

  1. I have two more weeks before I go back. I guess I better make the best of it. Note to self: pick up another case of Malbec and some paint for the bedroom walls.
