Monday, June 3, 2013

Thank fck for padded bike shorts.

My steed.  I love my Specialized.
36 miles on the bike today.  At my current pace per hour, the race organizers should let me start the day before.  Good Christ.
On the flip side, I was out there doing laps of the Demo forest except, instead of having a Whistler Granfondo shirt or an Axel Merckx shirt or any of the other shirts that the MAMILs (middle aged men in lyrcra) were wearing, I was wearing bike shorts from my brother in law and my Vancouver half shirt (because oh yeah: remember the time I lost my mind and ran Boston and then three weeks later ran the Vancouver half and then couldn't fcking walk for two days?) and I got two nods from two serious cyclists because even though I was riding a hybrid, and even though I wasn't decked out in full spandex, I was still giving it and so, after seeing me for the second or third time, they gave me props.
Anyways.  I'm trying to take solace in that my ascent was 3,209 feet and my descent 3,077 feet, but I've been to Penticton and seen portions of the course and lo, it is not flat.

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