Tuesday, April 2, 2013

When I was in Grade 9 they showed us a film of a woman giving birth. I got a tubal ligation as soon as my doctor would allow it.

Today I emailed my brother to see if he would cough up the name that he and his partner are going to give their son (my nephew!) this month.  His response was so good I think it should be immortalized:

Andrea is fine. She wants the demon hell spawn out of her, but no complications. I am excited, but kind of nervous. All you can do is hope that it all goes well and the kid is healthy and normal. Not that I'd love a defective kid any less, but it would be a huge finical burden to have a special needs kid. Andrea could never go back to work, and special treatments etc could be costly.
It's going to be a new experience for sure. I've been trying to think of how it compares to other things, and it doesn't. There is nothing in life as permanent. There's no taking a day off, or putting it on hold, or quitting. 
And you don't really know the right things to do, you just hope you are doing it right. You'll never know what thing you did to make him become a homicidal manic, or a rocket scientist. You'll never effect anyones life so much. You'd think with that kind of commitment and pressure, you'd need some training, and yet it's a wing it kind of thing. I think to see a child grow and succeed at life, and enjoy life will be the most rewarding experience you could ever have, knowing that it was all completely dependant on your doing.
As for a name, Demon Hell Spawn has a good ring to it. Step one: name child, result, fail.


  1. Oh, Little DHS, you're coming into the world with a Dad who's got the really hard bit figured out. Lucky you! :D

  2. The people who think about it this much are truly the ones who SHOULD be having babies. The non-thinkers are breeding little non-thinkers to take over the world. You would be a great mom, but if all else fails, you'll be an awesome Aunt.

    Where I work I see so many people with children born with some sort of malady; speech impediment, autism, physical disabilities, etc. So many more now than 15 years ago when I started working in the school, and WAY more than when I was a kid in school. I bet there weren't 20 kids in the Special Education classes in my entire high school my Senior year (850 kids graduated that year.) We have 40 students in the PreKinder classes alone this year (150+ in the whole PK grade level.) Is our food source poisoning our kids?

    I'm wondering if the birthing film was the same one I saw in my childbirth class when I was preggers with Jolea. In the film, at the point where the baby's head begins to show, did you think that the child was going to be born with clown hair?

    1. Yeah, I agree. I have a lot of friends that would have awesome kids that would change the world and save us from ourselves. But instead of having kids they watch indie art films and play board games, the bastards.

  3. Picking baby names is hard... I know I'm having a hell of a time myself. Fortunately I still have six months...

    1. Well I don't think my brother is going to go with Seamus, unfortunately, so maybe you should run with that.

    2. Hmmm... I think Seamus will get a pass.... This is tough!
