Sunday, January 24, 2016

Windows 10 is balls.

Upgraded to Windows 10.  Am too tired fighting with it to roll back.
Fail on so many levels.
Thanks for another crap product, Microsoft!  My favourite features are: being able to make a cup of tea in the time it takes for my mail to load in your shite Mail program; having to create a Hotmail account if I want to use your Siri knockoff when Google offers it for free; and you randomly going through my photos to create "albums" for me, when I already have my own albums.
My husband has informed me that Chrome makes laptops, which sound awesome.  Am also considering Apple at this junction.
Have I mentioned I hate technology?


  1. Give it a chance, it's pretty good! Some things just grow on you....

  2. I love my Mac (2008 model) for one reason only, I have yet to get a virus. But it's slow and cranky and I have tried to beat it to death many times. It's just lucky there wasn't a hammer within my reach or it would be a gonner. The bottom portion of it is also melted so badly it won't set straight on a tabletop.

    1. Do I want to ask why the bottom of it is melted so badly?

  3. It's a laptop, and it warms my lap. Currently I can feel my jeans melting to my legs, but I'm toasty warm all over.
