I should interject that in the midst of all of this, DRAMA was occurring. This is a mainstay of my life. If DRAMA occurs on a relatively regular basis, it must mean that I am not conforming with society for some nefarious reason, and therefore should be punished.
DRAMA is interesting, because a lot of things must happen and build in order for DRAMA to exist. DRAMA does not materialize out of thin air. DRAMA has a back history which one should investigate and appreciate before simply dismissing it.
However, this is but a side story, as it always is.
I really, really like them.
Then we ate from food trucks and lo, it was good. And so freaking cheap. We ate in some nearby park where a guy rocked out to his own song about how he hated work. It was both tragic and poignant, and also my salad roll was quite messy.
We rounded things out with another trip to San Sai which was on par with the first visit, meaning that we were both rather well fed and happy. It's a great place to be.
And so now I get to go home and be the new and improved me that we all know I can be. DRAMA-free, and now with less sugar and gluten.
I read an interesting physiotherapy sign while I was down here. It said "We don't address the symptoms: we fix the cause" or something to that affect.
What a DRAMA-free concept.
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