Saturday, April 27, 2013


On Saturday we did a tour of the Sam Adams brewery in Boston.  I'm not normally a beer fan, but the beer in the States is amazing.  I always thought they drank Budweiser or the like, but they have tons of microbreweries making a vast variety of kick ass beer and lo, I drank a lot of it.
Hilariously, the actual tour portion was closed because the brewery was under renovations, so essentially they just shepherded us into a giant room where we tried three different beers and they explained a bit about each one.  It was fun and informative and worth the trip if you're ever in the Boston area.
At some point we also met up with another NSAer at Mr. Dooley's (we pretty much live there when we're in  Boston) and it was nice to see a friendly face.
We then commenced our general freak out before a marathon routine, which consists of: checking the proceeding day's weather every thirty minutes; putting bibs on shirts; trying to figure out whether to run with or without orthotics; packing our bag check bags; figuring out where to meet; and just generally being agitated.
We ran a few miles on Saturday and on Sunday.  In retrospect maybe we ran a bit more than we ought to have, but neither of us have either been good at tapering.
Additionally we did a "dry run" trip from our B&B to Boston Commons to see how long it would take us on Monday morning, along with 27,000 other runners who would be hopping school buses with us on the way to Hopkington.

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