So, a couple of preemptive things first: my brother and his partner (due any second now with their much anticipated son) sent me this link about food which is funny, true and scary; and Big D's nephew Breyden is currently walking across Canada to raise funds for cancer research which is very charitable and admirable when you consider what the hell the most of us were doing at his age.
But back to the thing that I know had you on tenterhooks since we last sat down over a nice cup of coffee and talked about our feelings: Kimby the Fucknut.
Lawd. The irony that she's had me so bent out of shape leading up to my Boston departure because she... lied about doing Boston.
Irregardless (or, as I like to say: regardless) I had a meeting with the controller and assistant controller regarding Kimby. It was like a bit of a deposition and the controller took notes of everything that went down. I kept waiting for the shoe to drop, but they were both very serious except for when they tried to keep their game face when I mentioned things like how Kimby - still enrolled in the CGA program - told a lawyer here that she wants to be a lawyer also, and would like to do her schooling at the London School of Economics or at Cambridge.
So I tell them the long and short of Kimby not being able to prove that she ran Boston in 2008 or 2011, or Ironman in 2009 and how uncomfortable it makes me feel to have to be in her direct proximity.
They advise me that they are taking this very seriously, and the next step is that they will discuss it with HR and, at that point, due to confidentiality, they may not be able to give me specifics, but that they will try and keep me in the loop to the best of their ability. They also bring up the fact that in 4+ years I haven't really complained about anything or anyone, and so they are taking this issue rather seriously.
Rather stunned, I thank them for their consideration and that they've taken the time to listen to me.
A flurry of closed door meetings occurred, and the controller may or may not have met with HR today, but what I do know is that yesterday, when I checked in the accounting system to see if there was a vendor file for Kimby, there wasn't. And when I checked again this afternoon there was, and there was also an entry in that vendor file with a "pay date" reference, which payroll uses when someone is about to be let go and has to be issued a manual cheque upon departure.
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I love Luongo. He won tonight. |
Part of me wants to feel bad as part of me always wants to do when someone is let go, but then the rest of me thinks: don't fucking lie about three elite athletic accomplishments within your probationary period and expect not to be checked up on.
I didn't use EPO. I have BSc from Harvard. The GST is only a temporary tax. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. I won the Boston marathon.
And I have to sit next to this woman in the lunch room and listen to her bullshit rhetoric and smile like it's all on the up and up? I have to count on her and rely on her as one of my coworkers? I have to accept that she completed Boston and Ironman because she simply said she did?
What an asshole I am! I should have put that I went to Harvard on my resume, and that I worked at Apple and Steve Jobs thought I was the most cutting edge employee he'd ever met.
Hey. Remember the time I won the Edge to Edge marathon? If only I could prove it somehow. Funny story about the E2E: I was 12th overall so only 11 guys beat me.
It's funny because it's true.
I digress and should let this go now. Like R mentioned: she probably needs help because no one who is thinking straight acts the way Kimby's acted since she got hired on at a rather primo job that most people would jump through innumerable hoops to land.
On to other things: we fly out for Beantown tomorrow night.
The hilarious bit is that I haven't run a marathon since Chicago in 2011.
Oh, Kimby. Your crazy will not be missed. At all.
ReplyDeletePS: Steve Jobs was so right about you! He had a good eye for talent that one! ;-)
Steve called me and told me that he thought you were HOT! Hey y'all should swing through Vegas on the way home, I'm going to singing back-up for Celine Dion at Caesars... I'll get you some front row seats. Who knows she may have a sore throat and I'll have to take over for her. I dance better than she does anyway, she told me so.
ReplyDeleteGood luck in Boston.
What the hell are we going to talk about when Kimby is gone. I guess we could talk about what a huge asshole my boss is.
We can talk about anything, really. But mostly we should talk about our feelings. ;)
ReplyDeletePeace out.
I'm feeling like we should continue to hone our skills at becoming pathological liars. Peas out.
ReplyDeleteIs that the only reason she's being fired? For saying she ran marathons she didn't run? Surely there has to be more than that.....
ReplyDeleteYeah, they let her go based on this as it means either she is a liar with no integrity, or she's a sociopath. Neither of which deserve to work with my team.