Sunday, April 14, 2013

It's go time, kiddies.

So, it is freaking chilly here.  Not complaining!  We met up with a fellow NSA member today who flew through Montreal and he said they have snow.
Yesterday was pretty low key.  Incorporated a dry run to Boston commons in our five mile run.  Then we walked over to the Sam Adams brewery.  They make good beer, man.  Then fought with tens of thousands of runners and tourists to get a seat in a joint to eat dinner.  Cor.
Today we did a four mile run and then went to Faneuil Hall to poke around, and of course ended up at Mr. Dooley's for lunch which is the best Irish pub in the world.
Came home, napped and then went to Seiyo sushi which was awesome because we had a New York roll and a Philadelphia roll.  And also there was a wine store attached so my post race needs will be met.
Looking forward to experiencing the Boston marathon again.  It is a beautiful city and the people are so friendly and we are lucky and privileged just to be here (though god am I looking forward to crossing that much desired and vaunted finish line).

1 comment:

  1. Hey dude, I just heard the news, I hope you're ok.. Be sure to tell us all about it when you're back safe and sound!
