Sunday, March 10, 2013

Horse. Shoe.

This weekend was fun.  Went for dinner at a packed Rogue at Waterfront Station on Friday night, before heading out to congratulate Skyhammer on getting his Canadian Citizenship (at a gamer bar where you're not actually allowed to play video games because of some weird law, naturally).
Saturday was a bit of a write-off due to a hangover, but it was sunny and I still managed a pretty decent 3 mile run.
We were scheduled to run 21 miles with the clinic from Queen Elizabeth park this morning, but we did the whole "spring forward" thing which would mean that today's 8am run would really be 7am, and instead of being a ten minute walk away it would be a 25 or 30 minute drive away.  No thanks.
Because I have a horseshoe up my ass it was pretty overcast today, and the weather people were calling for rain but it didn't rain because I willed it not to.
We started our run on the seawall rather late (9:30, though it really was 8:30) and, because there was a slight threat of rain and people in Vancouver are apparently made of sugar, the seawall was really quiet (and not very saccharine).  We ran around Stanley Park and then to my mom's place where I jumped up and down and waved, totally assuming she was looking out her window for us with her binoculars.  Then we ran all the way back and did the seawall again.  Total time for 33.8 kilometres: three hours and four minutes.  Not bad given  that I haven't trained for a marathon since I bailed on Boston last year (but let's be real: it was my new kick ass Asics and the Glosettes - again - which saved the day  Seriously.  I've never had a bad run when eating chocolate covered peanuts.  And you think goalies are in their head a lot?).
We dropped by my mom's after for a quick shower and then we all went for brunch which was nice.  Ended up getting home past 4pm.  That's why people (who aren't lazy like what I am) get up and do their runs at a reasonable time.  It was especially nice to run with Michael for the duration, since his schedule had him doing a significantly lesser distance at a significantly faster pace.  I'm not sure I've ever run one of the longest runs with Michael because he's always one or two pace groups ahead of me.
In other news, I read this really great bit in C.S. Lewis' "The Screwtape Letters" (props to R for lending it to me) which I thought was pretty apt.  This is an excerpt from "a highly placed assistant" to the devil, who is corresponding with is nephew, "a novice demon in charge of securing the damnation of an ordinary young man":
"But we want a man hag-ridden by the Future - haunted by visions of an imminent heave or hell upon earth - ready to break the Enemy's commands in the present if by so doing we make him think he can attain the one or avert the other - dependent for his faith on the success or failure of schemes whose end he will not live to see.  We want a whole race perpetually in pursuit of the rainbow's end, never honest, nor kind, nor happy now, but always using as mere fuel wherewith to heap the altar of the future every real fit which is offered them in the Present."
Food for thought.

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