Saturday, March 16, 2013

Good shit

So, after yesterday's neurotic episode which I dealt with with less aplomb than I ought to of, and which left me rather mentally and emotionally spent today, some good things did happen.
First off: I got my nose piercing back in.  I had taken it out a couple of weeks ago and then, well, being the squeamish sort, I was just having a helluva time getting it back in and today I managed to do it without passing out and hitting my head on the bathroom sink which was a definite plus.  To celebrate, I went out and got a nose ring as opposed to a stud.  I still need to recover from the trauma of getting the stud back in before I up the face jewellery ante (and yeah, I'm considering getting a Boston unicorn tattoo when I get back because that half sleeve isn't going to fill itself in, is it).
Secondly, I finished "The Marriage Plot".  The last book club selection was "The Blue Sweater" which I couldn't finish due to its self-indulgent and rambling nature, and I'm not one to not finish books.  The "Marriage Plot" was brilliant.  I could hardly put it down.  Jeffrey Eugenides does a tremendous job of becoming the voice of three very different individuals from varying backgrounds.  He is exceedingly nuanced and detailed when it comes to the intricacies of post-graduate life, parental expectations and relationship ideals and failures.  Not to mention mental illness.  I highly recommend this book and will be picking it up to lend to friends and family.
Lastly, some years ago I watched "In Bruges" which was a dark comedy starring Colin Farrell.  It was a good movie, obviously, and mostly it just made me want to go to Bruges.  I recently recommended it to a friend who is leaving for Europe next week, and she's included a jaunt to Bruges on her itinerary.
Anyways, tonight Michael and I watched "Seven Psychopaths", which is by the same director: Martin McDonagh.  This has got to be one of the most under the radar films in the last year.  It was fucking brilliant.  It was hilarious, it was absurd, it was psychopathic, it was grim and disturbing but no animals were injured - only women.  Sam Rockwell should have been nominated for an Oscar for his performance.  Where did Sam Rockwell come from?  I love Sam Rockwell (have you seen "Moon"?  See it) and you should watch this movie if only to hear him utter such gems as:
Hans: An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind, I believe that wholeheartedly.
Billy: No it doesn't. There'll be one guy left with one eye. Hows the last blind guy gonna take out the eye of the last guy left, who's still got one eye! All that guy has to do is run away and hide behind a bush. Gandhi was wrong, it's just that nobody's got the balls to come right out and say it.
 And also:
Marty: No shoot-outs, no pay-offs. Just human beings talking. 
Bill: What, are we making French movies now? That sounds like the stupidest ending. No shoot-outs? That sounds like the stupidest ending I've ever fucking... No shoot-outs!? 
Marty: No? 
Bill: No!
 It's good shit, man.


  1. I loved In Bruges and was excited for 7 Psychos. I love the cast, and I really wanted to like it, but couldn't even make it halfway through that movie. In Bruges was just the right amount of surreal...

    1. I'm not normally good at movies that sort of distend reality and are rather absurd, but this one did work for me. Maybe it was my mind frame at the time.

    2. I find my taste in movies has changed a lot. I can't sit through a Tarantino movie anymore for example.

    3. My viewing tastes have changed, also. It's all about the owls these days. Okay, the owls and Dylan McDermott.
